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Motivational Interviewing

Training Video Review

We are excited to offer a new service to help practitioners improve their training of Motivational Interviewing. We will watch and listen to two hours of your work as you lead an MI training and will give an assessment using the ten domains. We will listen to your work with a compassionate heart and provide specific feedback and examples about how you are using the principles and practices of Motivational Interviewing and where and how you may look to improve. Simply record a video of yourself leading a Motivational Interviewing training. Edit the video down to two hours of your work that you feel best reflects your own training style and spirit and send it along to us using the process below.

Training Video Guidelines:
  • The video should be not over two hours long.

  • The video should be of you actively training and working with workshop participants in Motivational Interviewing. Please edit out Introductions, Guidelines, Break Times, etc...

  • Please ask for, and receive, consent from the training participants at the beginning of the video.

  • Your voice must be clearly audible. Check the sound before submitting the video to ensure quality.


  • Our review of these videos is only for the purpose of increasing competency of the training of Motivational Interviewing. (The feedback is not intended for use in a research project.)

Sending Us Your Video File for Review:

Please do not send video file to us as an email attachment, it will be much too large.


Our preferred method of receiving the video file is as a Google Drive link.

Use a Google account that you have access to. (You can create a free Google Account with 15GB of storage here​)

  • ​Upload your video file to a folder on the Drive portion of your account​

    • This may take a while​ depending on your file size and the speed of your internet connection

  • From the Gmail portion of your account send a message with a link to the video file:

    • Address the message to​

    • In the body of the email, please let us know:

      • your name

      • any other preferred email address​ you would like us to use for correspondence

      • any message you would like us to know about the video

      • the Order Number of this "Training Video Review" (ex. #12411)

    • From the menu bar at the bottom of your message (next to the "Send" button) click on the Google Drive (triangular) logo and select the video file that you just uploaded, then click on the blue "Select" button.

    • Click "Send" - and thank you.

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